How To Enjoy Indoor Nudism

By Judy Inge

Wondering how to continue nudism during off-season months? Here’s a wonderful plan for indoor nudism and sunbathing!

If you are among the most ‘ fortunate of nudists who live in a tropical climate, it means you can enjoy sunbathing regardless of the calendar. It is a refreshing and invigorating reaction to hop into your auto or station wagon, drive to your resort, strip away the confining garments and run nakedly through the woods, into the pool or stream, splashing merrily and then remark that it’s such a lovely warm day for January!

But suppose you live in the colder northern or eastern parts of the U.S., or in those sections of Canada where warm weather is a treasure and rarity? What to do? The answer is that during the appropriate season, get as much sun and fun as possible. Then, during inclement weather, try a popular pastime of many nudists indoor nudism!!

Indoors? Where?

Indoors means within the privacy of your own home, whether it be an apartment, terrace suite or private house. Some nudists have been known to rent a basement which is changed over into a gym, but this has its disadvantages. This will attract peepers and curiosity seekers and can create a feeling of discomfort that defeats the entire purpose of relaxed sunbathing.

When you visit a sunbathing camp, when you meet other nudist enthusiasts who glory in stretching out on a cot and welcome the warming, invigorating rays of Old Sol, seek out some good friends. A wise suggestion is that you enlist married friends since there will be no disparity between groups. It has always been best for couples only to get together for indoor nudism. Those with children and relatives are also welcome, but you must also take time to select evenly mixed groups. This is essential since a nudist wallflower is anything but a comforting sight and situation.

You meet these friends at the sun camps, you shower with them, you eat with them and, for those places where space is at a premium, you share a dormitory sleeping place with them. In just a week, you can decide which couples you want to continue knowing after the summer season is over. Request exchanges of addresses and mention that you think indoor nudism is a good idea and a swell way to continue friendships and enjoy health.

After exchanges of addresses, you then decide upon a suitable place where you and fellow nudists can get together. It is essential that a place be decided upon before you decide to get everyone together. After all, if you don’t have a suitable headquarters, then the entire plan falls apart.

Where To Practice Indoor Nudism

As stated above, a private house or an apartment is best; personally, I prefer a private house since this creates more freedom. Guests can walk around the rooms, in the basement, upstairs, etc., in nudity and enjoy a pseudoreaction of outdoor nudism. But, if you have an apartment, this can also be arranged properly.

All curtains and blinds must be drawn, since nudism must be enjoyed in a wholesome atmosphere of complete freedom from fear. To avoid attracting unwanted attention, you should request, in advance, that your guests be quiet and dignified. No noise. No loud shouts and shrieks. As a matter of fact, I’ve yet to hear of any unruly behavior at a sunbathing club so nudists do seem right for this type of indoor activity.

All rooms must be neat and clean,- get rid of paraphernalia that tends to clutter things up. Cushions may be used if they have a purpose. Excess doodads and knickknacks just make the entire surroundings look too civilized for comfort.

Soft music is good; stereo hi-fi is best because of its soothing qualities, but again the watchword is caution that neighbors are not annoyed and led to make snooping investigations.

Set all kinds of chairs, benches, hassocks, ottomans, etc. throughout your suite of rooms so that if a nudist wishes to relax, this may be done without crowding.

“Nude When You Enter”

A rule of thumb is that nudists be told beforehand that they should be nude when they enter. This means that as soon as they press the door buzzer or knocker and are admitted, they should be prepared to shed their clothes. Arrange to have a small vestibule or even a room off to one side which is to be used for purposes of shedding garments.

All couples who enter are greeted by the host and hostess-both of whom should be nude since they must set the example. Incidentally, before you open your door, be sure that there are no prying eyes outside. You do this by looking through a door viewer or side window, depending upon your circumstances.

When you open your door, you can so position yourself that only your head is seen as you peep through. Now, this may sound difficult, but if you just practice it a few times, you’ll see that it can be done. What about those unruly housewives who greet visitors at their doors with their heads in pin curlers, wearing sloppy house-coats, or just slips and pajamas? Surely, indoor nudism is a lot healthier and neater, when greetings are made in Nature’s own suit free of inhibitions and disguise.

As soon as your guests enter, if they are just couples, or couples with their relations and young ones, close the door. Naked before your guests, both you and your husband immediately put them in a proper frame of receptivity. After all, as said before, you must set the example.

Invite your guests into your house, let them follow you (one couple reported, “We were shy about indoor nudism but when we followed our naked host and hostess, we lost our sense of bashful-ness”) into the special undressing room. Let them all get rid of their clumsy garments while they’re together. Then you tell them they are ready to come into the main room and meet the others.

Have a Main Room

Just as in a sun camp you have an outdoor field which is used for recreation and meeting, so do you have a special place in your house for the same purpose. All guests MUST be nude when they come into this room. Furthermore, all guests MUST be nude as soon as they leave the small undressing room. This is all in the spirit of the harmony of Nature-loving. If a person displays shyness at indoor nudism, then it is best to suggest that he (or she) remain in the undressing room until ready. If the feeling of uneasiness cannot be discarded, that person just is not a suitable guest.

Remember: you owe it to your other guests to make them feel comfortable, relaxed and happy . . .just as is done in a sunbathing camp. So, don’t spoil the whole event for the sake of one person. This is only common sense.

Now, as soon as your nude arrivals come into the room, introduce them to other couples, show them around the house. Have all sorts of entertainment planned. If possible, ping-pong tables can be set up, as well as pool or billiards, chess and checkers; if you are fortunate enough to have a basement (in a private house) it means you can include more vigorous sports for the athletically inclined.

Plants and flowerpots, floral arrangements, paintings of idyllic scenes, woodsy settings, b i r d-cages, outdoorscapes, seascapes: these all add to the decor. You would do well to have them around the house. You can enjoy them all the time, in addition to just for indoor nudism.

All recreation should be under your supervision just as someone oversees activities at a recognized sun camp. Couples may dance, or hold other entertainments, but all must be in good taste, just as it is conducted in sun camps.

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Artificial Sunlight

The value of sunshine cannot be emphasized too much. In cold winter months, sunshine is a treasure to those who appreciate it because it is so rare. You can bring sunshine right into your own home; sunlamps are the best. Arrange to have a few of them set up on stands, then put floormats beneath so that a few lucky nudists can enjoy this pseudosunbathing session.

Ask at your lighting store for lamps and special types of bulbs that create a feeling of sunshine and brightness. They have them; perhaps they cost a few pennies more, but they’re worth it. If you are budget-conscious, then just obtain a few sunlamps about four, and set these up over couches or mats so that indoor nudists can take turns in enjoying the ‘sunlight.”

Bathing and Eating

I will concede that indoor nudism has one disadvantage – it cannot easily include a jump in the pool or lake. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to run naked in the sunshine, through the woods and fields, to thrill to the zephyr-cool wind on the body as it bathes one in glorious joy and then plunge into a sparkling lake or pool, enjoying the feel of silky-smooth water against the arms and legs. Yes, it is an exhilaration that is second to none.

How can you duplicate this at home? You may set up an artificial pool (typical outdoor wading pool made with an inflatable latex or rubber-balloon-type item) in your basement home. You can fill it with a water hose but be careful not to flood your guests!! Let couples and groups splash about merrily. True, they may not be able to go higher than their calf muscles but they can sit down and splash happily. And we all know that if we just dunk our feet in water, it creates a wonderful overall body feeling.

If you have an apartment, fill the tub with water shower water that continues going to simulate a waterfall. You can make the waterfall vigorous .or just a heavy spray any housewares department of a major store will sell you a shower installation that regulates the force of the spray.

Guests are thus able to go into the tub together, enjoying the fresh flowing water. To complete the picture of the outdoors, remember that NO doors must be closed. Bathroom doors remain open so washing nudists can chat idly with outsiders just as they do at a sun camp. Of course, when sanitary functions must be performed, privacy is a privilege accorded to guests.

What about eating? You may provide meals for your guests; use a long dining table as they all gather around. Cooking and dining is done in the nude. I guarantee you’ll find dishwashing less of a chore when you do it in Nature’s own garment. If you find this difficult to believe, just try it and you’ll see how different it is!

Depending upon your space and accommodations, your guests may remain overnight. This is something difficult to determine; each situation is highly individualized. Nude sleeping is the rule, of course.

Indoor Nudism for Two

A nudist couple or family may want to enjoy indoor nudism by themselves; this is possible provided that the children are mature enough to understand that neighbors and school chums may not be too sympathetic. It’s a wonderful way to relax much better than alcohol!

Nudism need not be confined to just a few precious warm months or during a fast-fleeting vacation-time. It can be a year-round pleasure to build health, happiness and friendships.

The American Sunbather
ISSUE: Number 2, April 1967
Publisher: The American Sunbather and Naturist Review

Initiating A Teen-Age Nudist

By Judy Inge

How can you introduce nudism to teen-agers? Prepare for problems. Here’s how to meet and solve them —and open a new world of glorious health to young people.

“We made a mistake,” said one long-practicing nudist couple in their middle forties. “We went away for sunbathing vacations ever since we were married, but after the children came, left them with relatives—and we went alone.”

“Do you mean,” asked the friend who was part of a nudist family-including grandchildren, in-laws, relatives, etc., “that you never discussed nudism with your children? How old are they?”

The father replied, “Our boy is 14 and the girl is 15. They’d appreciate all the fun and would really like the other youngsters at the camp we go to, but I don’t know how to approach them with the subject.”

As for the mother, she was upset over the whole situation. “They’re both nervous children, fretful all the time. But how can we get them to come here? It could be very embarrassing.”

There was little denying the fact that an abrupt introduction to nudism can bring embarrassment and also unpleasant reactions. This is especially true when parents are ardent believers in Nature and health—while youngsters remain pitifully innocent about the glories of fun in the sun.

The point here is that if the married couple enjoy nakedness at the start of their union, it is a wise thing to initiate blessed events into nudism as soon as they become toddlers. There is no substitute for this early introduction, permitting youngsters to grow up with the feeling.

But, if this has been neglected, instead of crying over spilt milk, it is best to do something. Here’s how!

Broach Subject Carefully

Begin by obtaining a few sunbathing magazines together with periodicals displaying physical culture displays. THIS IS VITAL!! To suddenly thrust nudist magazines upon young people is to invite jeers, unpleasantness and severe embarrassment. Remember: youngsters are still inhibited and shy. They are raised in a so-called civilized society which says the human body is a thing of shame! Nakedness, to them, is vulgar and erotic. This is an unhealthy situation that you should seek to correct via nudism. (Remember the old French proverb, “Evil he who evil thinks”?)

Set out a few physical culture or musclebuilding magazines. These should show scantily clad bodybuilders in the process of exercising or otherwise improving physical health. When your teen-agers read them, they begin to get a better appreciation of health and some of their prurient attitudes begin to vanish.

Another suggestion is that you put a few magazines or books around the house  showing Greek statuary. These are nude statues and set the teen-ager in a proper mood and make him more receptive to the fact that the naked body is a glorious creation and not something to snicker and laugh upon.

After a while, have a nudist magazine put in a conspicuous place. If your teen-ager seems embarrassed, you could say, “Well, Mother used to do research on anatomy and sunshine and she found these magazines helpful.” Or, if there is a creative person in the family, use the excuse, “Oh, he’s preparing research on the psychology of outdoor athletics in the nude and these magazines were left around.”

IMPORTANT: At all times, neither you nor your husband should display any signs of embarrassment! Act casual. Adopt a careless attitude. Make it look as if this is the most natural thing in the world. As you well know, youngsters duplicate the attitudes and reactions of adults. If you act shocked and horrified, so will your youngsters. They imitate you. So—why not let them imitate something constructive?

After the teen-agers have been exposed to nudism in some form, get a few more magazines,- read some articles aloud to them and ALWAYS be careful to emphasize how wonderful it is to exercise and play and run freely in the nude! The healthful aspects must be promulgated as this will appeal to youngsters.

Afterward, you might “accidentally” walk by the room as the youngster dresses. . .or undresses, as the situation may be. All of these little things put him in a proper frame of mind. You then improve the situation by wearing as little clothes as possible yourself, and giving no outer signs of embarrassment or dislike if you are seen.

Because nudism is a family affair, it is ESSENTIAL that both you and your husband cooperate. In fact, if you sleep late on Saturdays, be sure to do so in the nude. Then, arrange to have your youngsters awaken you—and if you and your husband have kicked off the covers, it is a good introduction for your youngsters. B u t first they must be the ones who sleep nude and are awakened in an act of exposure. Then let them awaken both of you while still nude. This all lessens inhibitions and foolish embarrassment about God’s creation.

Visit to a Camp

After the barriers have been broken, you then start talking about a visit to a sun camp. Emphasize the values of health, sunshine, exercise, physical calisthenics, entertainment. Do NOT mention much about the fact that all guests go naked. This is obvious. To draw excess attention to it is to make the youngsters feel shy.

You might even drop a few hints that during your own youth, you had visited such a camp and found it to be wonderful; you made many friends, found out how joyful it was to eat, sleep and play in an atmosphere of freedom.

You might then write to a number of camps that are convenient to your area. Read the literature, show it to your youngsters. Discuss comparative costs, conveniences, accommodations, etc. At this point, you could call attention to the teen-age activities available and add, “Look at these yonug fellows—they’re holding a muscle-building c o n t e s t.” Or, “Say— they’re crowning this blonde girl Miss Nudist—I think it says that her brother is awarding her the golden crown.” This also helps ease whatever anxieties your teenagers might have.

The emphasis here is on a FAMILY attendance and if your youngsters see and read about other families who happily enjoy nudism, they’ll be curious and receptive.

Again, emphasize the benefits of running naked in the volleyball fields, having fun and frolic with other youngsters. Point out the benefits of group activities and— call attention to other youngsters in their activities. IDENTIFICATION WITH OTHERS WILL MAKE YOUR TEEN-AGERS more interested. At this age, identification spells the entire difference between success and failure.

Entering Camp

Be prepared for some shyness at first. To overcome this, ask the sun camp managers to have a few teen-agers welcome the new youngsters. Again, identification is VITAL! If your youngsters see others in happy nakedness, they will be less shy and, in fact, more eager to join them. I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that the adolescent period of life is one of close identification and similarity. They all want to be alike. Seeing others do something makes them want to do it, too. So—if possible, try to have other youngsters at close hand. Of course, the others are nude and without any self-consciousness.

naked boy with huge ballsWhen you and your youngsters join each other on the sun field or anywhere else, in glorious Nature, show NO discomfort. Act casual, laugh, be sportive. Call NO attention to nakedness, per se, but talk about the climate, the wonderful grounds, facilities, etc. If you make friends, join a little group, and in this attitude of complete casualness, your youngsters will likewise feel relaxed.

As stated previously, you must anticipate some shyness at first. Adolescence is a formative time of life and there is expected confusion and misunderstanding about the workings of the body. Clothes helped create this shame. Nudism can erase it.

Urge your young people to join others of their age group,- there is no denying they will fell less ill at ease and more relaxed in the presence of other teen-agers. If you have just one youngster, ask him (or her) to join a little athletic game. If you have more youngsters, watch that they do not stick too close to one another. Let them separate, spread out, seek companionship from others.

Admittedly, it may not be a simple task and may be difficult; cooperate with your mate and the sunshine club managers. Teenagers should not be denied the wonderful glories of nakedness in sun and water and woods. It can change them from fretful, inhibited youngsters into wholesome, athletic, tanned young athletes worthy of a Grecian sculptor.

Nude Sleeping at Home

Once your teen-agers have become oriented to the spectacle of nudism, go one step further. Using the magazines as an example, you suggest that nude sleeping is healthful. Free from the bindings of clothes, pajamas, unsightly and clumsy sleeping garments, nude sleeping is more relaxing. Try to get them to sleep without any undergarments. I have found this to be a simple accomplishment.

As parents, you will be awakening your youngsters for school. Since they sleep nude, it’s most probable they’ll kick away the blankets throughout the night. When you awaken them, still sleepy and dazed, they will show little reaction at their nudity before you. Here is an urgent tip.- both you and your husband should awaken your youngsters and both of you should wear a robe—but nothing beneath! This helps create a wholesome environment.

Show NO surprise or shock at the nude condition of the youngster. Act as if it’s nothing. If the youngster feels ashamed, give no notice. Pretend you see nothing! This is exactly the casual attitude that creates a receptive attitude toward nudism.

The American Sunbather
ISSUE: Number 2, April 1967
Publisher: The American Sunbather and Naturist Review

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